The Poetry Séance is a quarterly performance and workshop series curated to enliven poetry shows and embolden local writers, each season at a time. Performances (winter & summer) feature an ever-shifting roster of poets, artists, and musicians; each show is unique in curatorial vision. Workshops (autumn & spring) are designed to be immersive, experimental, and communal; they are always donation-based and open to the public.  

Since its start in 2021, this series has strived to reinvigorate the space of poetry readings and experiences with intentionality and verve. Underlying each offering is the belief that the spoken tradition of poetry is sacred, energetically transformative, and meant to be shared. Respect for the artist is paramount, therefore, curation of each show is thoughtful and collaborative, and each performer is paid for their contribution.

Interested in being a featured artist in an upcoming show or have a request for a workshop experience? Get in touch.

Curious about our next Poetry Séance event and where to get tickets? Check out our Upcoming Events page.

Letter from your Cosmic Landlord

Common Area Maintenance, February 2024.

Footage by Eric Acosta.

The Offering

Common Area Maintenance, February 2024.

Footage by Eric Acosta.